About Us

School Times:
School starts at 8.50am.
There is a ‘small break’ from 10.30 – 10.40am
Big break from 12.30 – 1.00pm.
Infant classes go home at 1.30pm
All other classes go home at 2.30pm.
At Brackloon NS we believe that sport is a very important part of all children’s development and all children are encouraged to participate in sport at school. The children at Brackloon NS are involved in Gaelic football, hurling, soccer, camogie, cycling, athletics, swimming etc.
The Arts:
At Brackloon NS we greatly value the arts and the vital part they play in the overall
development and education of each child. Teachers at Brackloon NS promote the arts in planning and delivering the curriculum to their pupils. A music and dancing teacher visits the school every week to teach the children Irish music and dancing. The children in the senior classes participate in the National Children’s Choir. Occasionally we have artists visit the school as part of the Westport Arts Festival to work with the children. Every second year the children put on a Christmas Concert at the school or Seachtain na Gaeilge concert for parents.
School Lunches:
Our school has a healthy Eating Policy and no junk food or drinks are allowed in children’s lunches. The policy has been very successful for our school and is dependent on the continued support of parents.
Excellent school attendance is key to your child’s happiness and success in school. The school has an Attendance Policy and we have great support from parents for this policy. If your child is sick they should stay at home and rest. If your child becomes sick at school you will be contacted by the school and if we cannot contact you we will act in the best interests of the child and medical attention will be sought if deemed necessary.
School Reports and Parent teacher meetings:
It is school policy to issue written reports to parents at the end of each academic year. Parent teacher meetings are normally held in November each year and are an important opportunity for parents to meet with their child’s teacher and to discuss their progress. At any time during the year parents and teachers are welcome to arrange further meetings if this is deemed necessary.
Green Schools:
Brackloon NS is a Green School and all children are taught how to appreciate and care for their environment. We are currently developing a school garden in partnership with the Home School Association and the Green School’s Committee.
Home School Association:
Brackloon NS has a very active Home School Association who work in close cooperation with the School’s Board of Management and staff. They are involved in organising and supporting many school initiatives and projects e.g. Green Schools, Christmas Concerts, School Garden, fundraising events etc.
Board of Management:
The current Board of Management serves from 2019 – 2023 and we are very grateful to all members who have volunteered to serve on the current Board. The Board is made up of representatives of the different school partners i.e. Patron, Staff, Parents, Community. Members of the Board of Management are selected/elected to look after the best interests of the children attending the school and do not represent sectional interests only e.g. staff, parents, patron. All Board of Management decisions are made with the best interests of the children in mind.
Current Board of Management members are:
Cyril Rooney, Pearse Staunton, Brendan Tunney, Barry Loughran, Caroline Kelly, Paraic Kerrigan, Gillian Broderick and Rory Corrigan