Brackloon NS
May 26, 2021
Westport Warriors
Training with the Westport Warriors

Brackloon NS
May 19, 2021
Circuit Electricity
Ms Burke's class have been busy learning about electricity. In their pods, they created an electric circuit and they all were successful...

Brackloon NS
May 19, 2021
Nature Art
2nd and 3rd Class went for a nature walk through the Brackloon woods and created beautiful art using twigs, leaves and many other things...

Brackloon NS
May 6, 2021
A Balancing Act
During our maths lesson, we had to weigh small objects around the classroom. Some were heavy and so the balance went down. Some were...
Brackloon NS
May 6, 2021
Parachute Fun
We had great fun out on the playground with the parachute. We enjoyed watching the colours blowing in the wind.