Sports Day Fun!
1st and 2nd class enjoyed a fun filled Sports Day. They were flat out at all the different sports stations and they finished off the day...

Brackloon’s Got Talent!
Well done to all of the children who took part in this year's talent show. We were treated to a wonderful display of singing, dancing,...

Spring Clean
Fantastic work was done by the children in the Senior classes as part of our annual spring clean. The Green School Committee organised...

Green Schools Poster Competition
Congratulations to Ciana on scooping the prize for her Green Schools poster. Pictured with Green Schools coordinator Ms Heraty and some...

Brackloon NS from the Air
Conor Ketterick, past pupil of Brackloon NS, has created this fabulous new video showing our school from the air. Thanks a million, Conor!

Scribble Monsters
Senior Infants and 1st Class started with a scribble and then made these fun monsters.

Rainbow for Brackloon
Rainbow Brackloon

Glan do Lámha
We are doing well at washing and sanitising our hands

Attendance Awards
Congratulations to all the children who received attendance awards this term.

Our Leaf 🍁🍃People
We made Leaf people from the leaves we collected for homework