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Christmas Trip

We had a wonderful Christmas trip again this year. We started off by getting the bus to Castlebar Library. Here we looked at lots of books in the Children’s section. We were told that if we are members of Westport library, we can request books from other libraries. This is very useful information as some of us children have keen interest in specific books.

Castlebar library also has a sensory cubby. Here we can relax in a swinging chair and watch some calming scenes projected onto the wall. There is a wide range of scenes to choose from. Some of our favourites included bubbles and falling snow. There are also lights and relaxing music in the sensory cubby. As we were leaving, the librarian gave us some chocolate lollies to eat on the bus. The next stop along our journey was at the crib in St. Mary’s Church, Westport. Here we said a prayer at the crib for our friends and family. Onto the bus again and back to school we went. Here we had delicious food in the GP room as we looked at the colourful Christmas decorations all around. What a lovely end to our Christmas trip 2021.



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