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Cycle Bus/Safe Routes to School

At Brackloon NS we promote Cycling and Walking to school. This has great benefits for the children’s fitness, their wellbeing and for our environment. A Cycle Bus is a great way to travel to school with students cycling along a designated route with parents accompanying them. It is a parent/guardian/community-led initiative which has been very successful at Brackloon NS over the past number of years.

To help ensure the continued success of our cycle bus we are delighted that we have been chosen to participate in the Safe Routes to School Programme. The Safe Routes to School programme aims to create safer walking and cycling routes within communities, alleviate congestion at the school gates and to increase the number of children that walk or cycle to school by providing safe walking and cycling facilities.

The precise details of the works to be undertaken will be decided after an assessment is carried out of the area around Brackloon NS. We look forward to seeing what new changes this will have for our local community over the next few years.



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