
Mission Statement
St. Joseph’s National School Mission Statement
Our aim is to provide for the holistic development of the child, taking into account the needs of children of widely varying natural endowment and background.
Our aim is that each child will be enabled to:
Obtain optimum personal fulfilment.
Learn in accordance with his/her age, ability, aptitude and interests.
We are committed to promoting:-
The spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional, moral, aesthetic and social development of each child,
The self-esteem and self respect of each individual child in a safe, caring and welcoming environment.
Respect for others.
We aim to inculcate in pupils:-
Christian values and ethos.
Positive attitudes of praise, affirmation and encouragement.
Pride in their own environment.
Pride in their native language, heritage and culture.
Enrolment for St. Joseph’s N.S. takes place in early Spring each year and is advertised in the Mayo News and Parish Newsletter.